Boutique & Bistro "Cats"

Fine Threads Made by Friends


Shirogane - Omega [W17-P15]
Twice a Week!
Thursdays [5-7pm ST]
Saturdays [2-4pm ST]

"Cats" Opens its Gates FOR YOU!2 Times a Week you can expect our fine service, auspicious threads, and great meals.

Sol Stys & Luhri Melirah

With help from Luna Natsuiro and Partzschi Kobayashi ♥Together we gather, procure, craft, advertise, service, and manage inventory for the Boutique & Bistro.

Glams out the WAZOO!

Buy our garments right off the mannequins - 0 MB Fees!We rotate our clothing with every open - there is always a point in coming back!

♥ Sooner or later, we will have something for you too! ♥♥ Come in for your personal consultation with Sol Stys ♥Prefer to have a personal glam done by the Cats of the Boutique? Fill out this Form!

Have your Fashion Report delivered to you

Every Friday you can make an easy 60,000 MGP.
But how can that be any easier?
By receiving your glams in the mail! Pre-dyed and ready to be shown to the difficult judges, we have you covered!(4 Weeks of Fashion Report Glams delivered
via Ingame Mail for one-time 250k gil - Every Friday)
Contact Sol Stys to start the process!

The "Cats" Bistro

Enjoy fresh, tasty pastries on our amazing terrace!Proprietress & Waitress: Our Lovely Luhri Melirah ♥

We're Everywhere!

Except in the places we are not. I mean really, we can't be EVERYWHERE, right?... Or can we?FOLLOW US! BE PART OF THIS!